Bridging the gap between stellar and discord members


Sttellar Horizon queries from Discord

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!horizonEntry command to check all available endpoints to queryPublic & DM
!horizon accountsSet of commands dedicated to operate with accounts endpointPublic & DM
!horizon paymentsQuery all sorts of payments from DiscordPublic & DM
!horizon assetsQuery assets issued on Stellar NetworkPublic & DM
!horizon ledgerQuery ledger data by numberPublic & DM
!horizon effectsQuery effects for transaction, account, ledger, etc.Public & DM
!horizon offersQuery offers by account or offer IDPublic & DM
!horizon operationsQuery single, transaction, account or ledger operationsPublic & DM
!horizon bookQuery horizon order book between two assetsPublic & DM
!horizon pathsQuery payment pathPublic & DM
!horizon aggregationAggregate trades based on XLM and counter asset with multiple resolutionsPublic & DM
!horizon tradesQuery trade by id or trades for accountPublic & DM
!horizon transcactionsQuery transactions for account, ledger and based on IDPublic & DM

Discord Server Owner Basic Commands

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!ownerEntry point to access Discord server Crypto Link PanelPublic
!owner registerRegister your server into Crypto Link system to unlock other functionalitiesPublic
!owner statsCheck server Crypto Link XLM statistics: payments done, registered users, etc.Public
!owner servicesCheck the services your server is applied to.Public
!owner uplinkAccess set of commands dedicated to establish Crypto Link feed system.Public
!owner merchantAccess set of commands dedicated to Discord Merchant system activationPublic
!owner changeprefix symbolChange the prefix used on public chanells to initiate communication with the Crypto Link system. Default set to ( ! )Public

Crypto Link Merchant System Commands as Server Owner

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!merchantEntry point to access list of all available commandsPublic
!merchant manualObtain information on how to appropriately activate merchant systemPublic
!merchant rolesAccess list of command to operate with monetization of roles/perksPublic
!merchant walletaccess list of commands to check the server merchant wallet balance and withdraw from itPublic
!merchant activeCheck all active & monetized roles available for your members to be purchased with XLMPublic

How to monetize Discord Role and start earning

Please use bellow presented command and fill in required data for: Role name, role value in $ duration in weeks, days, hours or/and minutes. At least one of time parameters is required to be greater than 0.
!merchant role create <role name> <role value in $> <weeks> <days> <hours> <minutes>

Example to create role in length of 7 days and 1 hour in value of 100$ :
!merchant role create VIP 100 0 7 1 0

Once role has been successfully created, be sure to make it tagable for everyone, assign appropriate rights through Discord Admin pannel, design content and .... start selling!

Available Help Commands over Discord

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!get_startedObtain quick guideline on how to get started with Crypto link systemPublic & DM
!aboutReturn information about Crypto LinkPublic & DM
!helpAccess general help menu with all sub-commandsPublic & DM
!help currenciesObtain information on all available/supported Cryptocurrencies on Crypto LinkPublic & DM
!help walletsReturns information on wallet system used in Crypto LinkPublic & DM
!help accountGet list of all available commands dedicated to personal wallet operationsPublic & DM
!help paymentsObtain information on various type of payments available over Crypto LinkPublic & DM

User Account Related Commands

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!meReturns details on your personal Stellar Lumen Crypto Link walletPublic & DM
!walletReturns all available commands to operate with personal wallet.Public & DM
!wallet balanceObtain full account balance report of all tokens.Public & DM
!wallet statsCheck your personal wallet statistics.Public & DM
!wallet stats asset_codeChange asset_code with one of the integrated assets to obtain token specific statistics for your walletPublic & DM

Make P-2-P and special payments

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!send @User amount asset_code Note=OptionalPublic payment to another Discord member.Public
!private @User amount asset_codePrivate payment to another Discord memberPublic
!give @user @user amount asset_codePay same amount of asset to multiple users.Public
!loyalty userCount amountPerUser asset_codeGives last N users commented on channel N amount of chosen asset. 
ActionExample for payment
Public P2P Payment!send @Animus#654 10 XLM Have some for cheap coffee
Private P2P Payment!private @Animus#654 10 XLM Small secret between us
Make multiple payments!give @animus#654 @Plippy#234 @duda3452 10 XLM
Distribute loyalty!loyalty 10 10 XLM Thanks for beeing active

Withdrawals and deposits

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!withdraw amount asset_code destination memo=optionalWithdraw to external PUBKeyDM
!wallet depositReturns the information on how to deposit to Crypto Link wallet.Public & DM

Example on how to withdraw


Purchasing Perks offered by server

CommandCommand DescriptionAccessibility
!membership rolesGet information on all available roles/perks for purchase on server where command has been executedPublic
!membership subscribe @dicsord.RolePurchase monetized perk offered on server where command is executedPublic
!membership currentCheck currently purchased and active roles on server where command has been executedPublic

Command map

We have mapped Crypto Link commands into 3 different categories

  • Discord User - List of user dedicated command to operate with his own wallet

  • Server Owner - List of Discord server/guild/community owner commands

  • Help commands - Integrated SOS command system through Discord interface

  • Horizon commands - Crypto Link allows queries to Stellar Network through Horizon instance straight from Discord.

Please choose appropriate area of interest bellow.


Crypto Link is a multi-functional & multi-guild Discord bot serving as a bridge between the Stellar Ecosystem and Discord users. Being built ontop of the Stellar Blockchain, it utilizes the native token, Stellar Lumen (a.k.a XLM) and tokens issued on Stellar chain, allowing for execution of Peer to Peer transactions amongst users, monetization opportunities for Discord guild owners and project promotions/crowdfunding/ICOs activities at low costs for aspiring fintech-companies building with the help of Stellar.


If you would like to list your token built on Stellar Network and make it available across any Discord server where Crypto Link has been integrated, please contact us through available channels present bellow. Same applies for Crypto Link integration onto server, assistance or any other request.